Irony & Overtired
|I bemoaned the beginning of today as I was well and truly bone weary tired. The College I work for has been in the throes of Finals for a week and a half stressing me out by day. After leaving the office, wrangling my children, fighting traffic and getting home it is normally around 7 PM. Then feeding everyone (or eating my lovely wife’s cooking), getting small child to bed with the requisite bed time story, lullaby and pre-bedtime shenanigans small boys all do I’m tired!
Next we have household chores, catching up on email, time with my wife and THEN I might actually get some productive work hours on a personal project or hobby. Whoops its suddenly 2 AM. Do I go to bed or do I press on with the website I’m working on? Of course this hero fights on until 4 AM when it suddenly hits me:
I’m Probably in Need of Sleep.
Chuckling I head for bed.